Egg Hatching machine with Egg Hatcher
The 100 egg hatching machine is useful to incubate eggs timely, efficiently and safely. This egg incubator is designed to meet the needs of small scale poultry owners. Its price is less and cheap. This machine price is only 4800 including all charges . Buy online from hatchpro website by clicking here .
How to use the 100 egg hatching machine
1. when the machine comes just open the egg incubator. you will find all attachment like humidity meter, 220 v bulb , power cable , 12 v dc adaptor.
2. Place the bulb in bulb holder , Assemble the power cable with three pin connector. Assemble the 12 v dc adaptor with 12 v dc female wire of fan. And place the humidity meter on top of machine with its humidity sensor probe inside the machine .
3. After all these things , switch on the egg hatching machine with both three pin power cable plug and 12 v dc adaptor in home main supply. When the machine starts temperature controller shows the current machine temperature or room temperature . Slowly temperature will start increase.
4. Check the machine after 15 to 40 minutes . The machine temperature reaches the set temperature .
5. After machine reaches set temperature . check the humidity in humidity meter or display . if
Humidity < 55% , add 100 ml of water in one side of water
compartment which is at the base of machine . Humidity will start
increase . If humidity not reaches above 55% the again add 100 ml of
water . and if again humidity not increase above 55% add water in
second compartment in this way humidity will increase .
6. No need to add water if humidity is between 55% to 64%
7. When temperature and humidity reached its required value , then place hatching eggs inside machine on two trays .
8. Rotate the eggs by hand 3 to 5 times per day daily.
9. In last three days turning not required .
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