Egg Incubator Quiz 1 Answers
Q1 : Total days required to hatch chicken eggs ?
Answer : 21 Days
21 Days required for Chicken egg hatching . 18 Days is called setting and last days is called hatching
Q2 : Which product made by hatchpro brand ?
Answer :- Egg Incubators
Hatchpro company are specialized in manufacturing egg incubators and they have automatic egg incubators , semi incubators .
Q3 : What is the best temperature to incubate chicken eggs (in Degree Celsius)
Answer : 37.7 Degree Celsius
The best temperature to hatch chicken eggs is 37.7 degree Celsius or 99.8 F . However, some manufacturers provide their own temperature values based on their specific machinery. Additionally, some experienced egg incubator users alter temperature readings, such as 37.7 +-0.3.
Q4 : What is candling ?
Answer : To check growth of chick inside egg during incubation cycle
Egg candling is done by place the egg on concentrated bright Led light torch in dark room . In that way you can see inside development of chick inside egg. The First egg candling is done at 7th setting day .The main purpose of first egg candling is to check eggs are fertile or infertile and machine is working properly or not . It is done on 10% of eggs . Then full candling of eggs is done on 17th to 18th days to remove unfertilized or early dead . quitter eggs . Large hatcheries with a monthly hatching capacity in lakhs perform full candling of eggs on day 18 and removed the unfertilized eggs.
These three factors are the most common cause of egg not hatching :
1) First is infertile of eggs , it is varying between 3% to 20% or more. Infertility in eggs is also depend upon no of factors .
- Age of laying or breeder bird , when the bird started laying the eggs , the eggs size is small and there are more infertile eggs .Egg weight and size start to increase after 2 to 5 weeks of laying, while the number of infertile eggs starts to decline.
- Disease in laying bird :- If there is any disease in bird , then sometimes it transferred to eggs , and chicks not able to formed fully . Hatching will be less and infertile is more
- Improper nutrition in bird :- The health of birds and their eggs is greatly influenced by their food. A healthier bird has fewer risks of contracting diseases, which indirectly improves egg quality and the quantity of fertile eggs.
2) Temperature is too high :- If temperature is too high in hatching machine for long time , it will stop the growth of chicks inside eggs . Eventually it will die . So outside temperature of machine should not go above 32 degree celisus .If it goes you have to something to cool it down.
Q6 : Can u store hatching eggs in refrigerator before placing in egg incubator ?
Answer : No
The research shows that hatching eggs cannot be kept in the refrigerator. It will decrease the chances of an egg hatching. You'll have low hatching ratio . Eggs should be kept in a cool environment. Standard recommendations state that hatching eggs should be stored between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius. However, many people do not have the resources to maintain this temperature, so they might keep their eggs in a cool environment and then place them in egg incubator as quickly as possible after two to five days of laying.
Q7: For how many days hatching eggs can be stored before placing in egg incubator without affecting the hatch rate ?
Answer : 3 - 7 days
If you store eggs for more than 7 days after laying . It will decrease the hatching ratio . The hatching ratio will continue to decrease if you store eggs for more days .
Q8 : Why water is placed inside of incubator ?
Answer : To create and maintain humidity
The role of adding water inside egg incubator is to increase the humidity . More the surface area of water , more the humidity example if the humidity inside machine is 35% RH , and there is one pan inside it . So you add water in pan , and filled it by half then after sometimes humidity increase to 48% . Again after some time you filled more water in pan and water level in pan increases , but it will not increase humidity above 48% . This is due to humidity increases only if water is filled on more surface area . Now what you can do is place extra pan or water container inside egg incubator and filled with water , now after some time humidity will increase .
Q9 : Good ___________ is needed to increase the oxygen level inside incubator
Answer : Ventilation
As you know chick is developing inside machine , it is living organism and it requires oxygen and releases Co2 outside of eggs . All the eggs inside machine releases Co2 , Oxygen level decrease and Co2 level increase . To increase oxygen level , Outside air will come in with the help of ventilations fans and Co2 release out from holes . In hatchpro egg incubators we have given proper ventilation system to maintain proper level of oxygen level inside machine .
Q10 : For how many days chick can stay in egg incubator after hatching?
Answer : 0-1 days
After chick get pipped out from egg and dried , it can stay inside machine without food and water for around 1 days . The chicks naturally have stored energy in the form of yolk .
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